Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 My life started without an outline,

my family created one for me

like castles in the sky, far far out of reach...

My teen self painted rainbows over the outline

and made them bridges to connect to the castles,

creating a bright city.

The outline was on and off,

merging with others and mutating.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Love your enemies

 Twice today, right on my face, 

I was reminded of the deepest truth,

that you should love your enemies,

as the kindest people do.

Well, I am to have no enemies...

However, I had disagreements

with people, all over the world,

and some took it personally,

some good rejection as a knife to their heart

and probably they hate me.

I can not control how they feel.

I can only control how I feel 

and what I do about it,

and follow the advice

to love your enemies,

even if it wasn't you who labelled them that way.

I would rather die than hit someone,

I would rather die than hate you.

Monday, December 23, 2024

And love comes back

 When the healing is done,

and you are glowing again,

smiling like in the Eden,

you can see the strength you regained.

And love comes back again,

in an autumn breeze,

when the brown leaves are falling from the trees,

your power is coming back and flowing like a fountain.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Heaven and hell both live inside your eyes

 The crystal clear blue looks like an inviting calm ocean,

or a heaven that is full of sweet treats,

been the Poseidon of the full devotion,

but it, in reality, is a rough tide that strongly beats.

I could see your storms and your Turner- paintings looking landscapes,

and I choose to see heaven instead of hell,

got trapped and did not know how to escape,

because the ambivalence turned into a cell.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Your smile makes the world brighter

 Your eyes opened wide,

when you see me coming,

It was a blessed surprise,

when the hope was all gone

but the fun was still dancing.

Your smile goes from ear to ear,

as they said,

when you see me coming,

like a rising sun,

after a full night of dancing,

your energy renews and you are ready for another waltz.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Loving me with you

 Just your aura enlightens mine,

you coming to say hi, expands my grim

you make me funnier

you make me better

you make a bunny jumping around

ready to mate and make more bunnies

a happy bunny, a fun bunny

I love the person that you bring out of me,

I love the "me" I am with you.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Dance crush

 I can melt in your arms,

I can let the music flow

and our skin glow

we are like love arms.

We are not fighting,

we are merging in peace,

we are flirting

with the rhythm and pace.

I can just let myself go, and breathe on you

breath your aroma,

and exhale in your soul,

like a free dove.

I crush on you in such a soft way

like a pillow that stops my neverending fall,

you show me the only way

and I follow because there is not other choice.

An I am free with you,

you are free with me,

we both crush and merge,

and make something beautiful out of it.