Friday, September 4, 2020

The power of a word

 When did the word change its meaning?

From being related to fun to being an insult

it was a long and painful trip,

a flap of circumstances and eras.

It wasn't really an evolution,

or a natural pathway.

It was more a degeneration 

and abuse of power.

One gay word that was fancy and glorious,

metamorphosed into a "bad word"

with some negative connotations.

I wish we could go back to bind it with love and excitement.

The power of one finger

 You can stop a conversation by taking it to your lips,

just a simple gesture

You can start a fight by raising up the middle one

just a simple gesture

You can pleasure yourself in a gentle way

just a simple gesture

You can please someone else this way

just a simple gesture

You can call everyone's attention by rising the index up

just a simple gesture

You can indicate where to go with the same finger up

just a simple gesture

You can start a revolution

just a simple gesture