Monday, December 5, 2016

The best year

So many bad things happened this year,
A lot of bad news and sad feelings
Showing off their darkest side.
This year hurt my friends, my family and the whole world
Bad guys with selfishness want to govern the world
The lack of information and uneducated crowds are gaining space
Great heros died, taking with them their genius minds.
But for you and me this was the best year of our lives so far
Because we met, because we loved for real,
And for now on, no matter what, every year together, knowing that the other one is in the same timeline and planet we know we will have the best time of our lives

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Stuck in my mind

It was something you said
They way you looked at me the first time
Your touch in my aura

It was a magical touch you plant your seed in my brain
I have to distract myself from thinking about you
From imagining happy futures
From thinking in what you are doing now
From using you as my only conversation topic
How can one person generate just a spell on me?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

From different seasons... still matching perfectly

You were born in winter,
rase by cold and snow,
Caressed by freezing winds and cutting snow flakes.

I was born in summer,
rase by warm and summer hazes,
Caressed by the tender sun and the hot drizzle.

However, we met in spring and we merge in autumn,
Nevertheless, we met in mild weather and we merged cold and hot currents.
On the other hand, we are perfect for each other.

We are coming from different seasons and even so...
we work so well together.
you manage to cold my hot temper
and I warm you cold feelings.

Monday, November 21, 2016

You are a sweet storm

You are a sweet storm
When the cold fast wind of problems passed by,
After the thin layer of snow is melted away,
You and me will be still standing.
The issues will get dissolved like the snow when the sun caressed it.
All the cold and anger will be warm up with love.
The resilient will stand by the fresh water that used to be snow.
You love the snow anyways and I learnt to love it thought your eyes.
You are the storm that brings that snow sometimes...
You are the hot shinny sun that melts it away ....

Friday, October 7, 2016

I'm lucky because you love even the things that I detest,

I'm lucky because you love even the things that I detest,
You love my wrinkled tshirts and my wrinkled forehead
You love my messy room and my messy mind,
You see with loving eyes my dry hair and beer belly,
You can tell me looking at my eyes things that mean the world for me,
About how you love me, about the things that you love about me.

Spoilers ALERT

Spoilers alert
You don't like when I spoil the ending of movies.
I can't stop it, it is in my nature to tell the ending first
It is in my blood to make you aware if there is a happy or a sad ending.
I am scared of surprises and I want to protect you.
And you ask about the future...well
Spoilers alert...
I know how our story will end...
Should I tell you?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hold on

In some moments of doubt you should just hold on
Paint a smile over the sadness and remember the good moments,
Dream about the perfect future...
But hold on... In this way you are enjoying the present...
The present is a gift for you,
Every second is an opportunity to be happy.
Hold on to all those moments, there are more to come.
And when your love is far away hold on even harder.