You won't believe me when I tell you
that you are always on my mind
you won't trust this truth shared with you
because I haven't shared it in the right kind.
You caused me to try to help
when my help was not needed
just my presence for this whelp
was the only thing required.
I thought I was doing you a favor
I thought it was going to be better in the long term
but I just brought more loneliness and zero candor
to an already solitary hermit.
You caused me to spread myself too thin,
trying to reach out over my own limits,
attempting to help even the ones who don't want my spin
even the ones that make me feel guilty.
We were so close, we have so many happy moments,
and now the distance between us feels like an ocean
a death ocean full of retreat components
but I know we can swim this emotion
because it is just a narrow river, not an ocean.