Sunday, December 18, 2022


 My to-do list is never-ending,

more things are added

and it takes all my thinking

to do the deed.

My attention span is inexistent,

all the things I must do merge with the ones I want to do

and what others are adding as  an expectant

requests to not do more but more do.

I need to focus,

on me, on the importance,

on priorities that are not just hocus pocus,

but there is discordance.

Everything I read about life hacks

and happy living]indicates doing one thing at a time,

but I juxtapose TV and workout in my shack,

and at least two other things at a time.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Merge them all in one

 You wish you could merge them all into one woman,

The passionate voluptuous french woman

who was your twin flame,

but it burned too hot and meted your security.

The geeky green eyed german

with the most beautiful smile,

full lips and perfect white teeth

who made you laugh non-stop

and opened the door of your imagination

and challenge you to think that you might not deserve her.

The perfect ass of that Latina who had a dream body,

but it emotionally manipulated you until you cried pushing through pain.

The charisma of that woman of the world, who had the world in her hands

with only a whisper.

The funny creative Scandinavian woman

the one you finally allowed yourself to be yourself and 

matched your weird sense of humor, 

with porcelain skin, as breakable as her mental health.

The emotional mature and wisdom giver

older lady who nursed back to life,

who gave you faith and will,

but who you couldn't correctly love.

The dancer who led you in a way that made you fly,

all over the dancefloor like suspended in the clouds.

All these women you wish you could merge into a perfect one.

Monday, October 31, 2022

No time for shavasana

Running all day to get to a relaxing place,

fast breathing to keep the rhythm 

to get into the slow calm zone.

I do yoga every day,

somedays I have to run to it...

and that might take away the benefits,

but hey, I made it to the mat, so namaste to you.

I have no time for Shavasana,

I am here to stretch, workout and find unity.

When was the last time we danced together?

 When was the last time we danced together?

It has been too long
This life full of duties fooled us into forgetting what is important.

In between trips and laughter
We forgot about dancing.

That is how we met,
How we connected
And I miss dancing with you
More than anything.

It was a slow blues,
feeling the warmth of an embrace
feeling your heart getting excited.

It was dancing how we started communicating,
but it was also why we separated.

Sunday, October 2, 2022


What can you do?
For sure not controlling it,
the past is gone
and left its wounds, scars and smiles.

Free yourself from grief and regret
Free yourself from the past,
learning for it,
but moving forward.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Deepest blue, darkest moments

 Staring at the most beautiful view,

of turquoise waters mixing with white sand

in spirals of power,

I can't stop thinking about my mistakes.

The sadness that a happy place brings is not making me feel better,

I bring this sickness inside,

I am bringing the drama within.

Please clean me blue clean water,

please show me your clarity and purify my thoughts

Please awake the buddha in me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Bad choices, great lessons

 Like attempting to run a marathon under 35 degrees of heat

you must see the silver lining in every cloud,

even in the huge grey ones that seem to never end.

That smile will come and shine new light,

to show you anew way,

for you to make bad choices again,

and have some fun.