Thursday, March 21, 2019

Everything is ok....isk... Ok-ish

I am in an era in my life where everything seems all right,
I am healthy,
well, dancing a partner forced a wrong turn and damaged my shoulder,
it hurts like hell when I try to raise it up,
and in an unuseful attempt to do a split,
I tore up the tendons in the hamstring,
same pain as in the shoulder
Also, I am gaining weight very fast even eating healthy.
I guess I am just getting old.

However, I have a roof over my head,
well, we are renting a tiny flat in a far away zone,
and it is quite pricey, I would like to buy my own,
but the cost is too much
I guess it is just inflation

Nevermind, I have a loving family
well, most of them live far away,
and by far away I mean crossing the ocean and a continent.
They request thing for me anyways,
I guess I am just too picky

Furthermore, I have a loving partner,
well, sometimes we disagree and we get upset,
we have different views on life and priorities
I guess nobody is perfect

Moreover, I have lovely caring friends
well, again the life long ones
who know me to the bone are far far far away,
I guess I need to get used to missing them

Alright, I have a great job that has an impact on people's lives
well, that is a bit of an overstatement
and the salary is way lower than my former industry job
I guess I have to be grateful for I have and do.

Nevertheless, I live in a democratic country,
well, with a queen and representatives that I can't elect,
I can't even vote although I pay taxes here
I guess I have to accept the price of being an inmigrant

Finally, I guess I am ok, OK-ish